2. My child shall arrive at school for classes or
other activities regularly and punctually.
3. My child shall be properly and neatly dressed.
4. I shall pay all fees that may be payable regularly and in advance.
5. I am aware of the spirit of love prevailing at the school, and I shall assist and encourage my child to honour it.
6. My child shall do his homework and other assignment regularly and properly.
7. I shall give my child full support and encouragement in all his school activities.
8. I shall be an active and interested parent and be involved in the activities of the school.
9. I shall replace or refund any property of the school that is lost, destroyed or damaged by my child.
10. I accept that if my child fails a grade a second time, he/ she has had enough time to prove himself/herself and will therefore have to leave the school. Learners who failed and do not qualify for the age limit, will also not be accepted back. (age limit: Gr. 8 -15 years old on 1 January of that year, add a year for each standard higher)
In any case of any infringement of the school-or hostel rules, as stated in the conditions for admission, written or oral statement, or any form of misconduct, action will be taken in accordance with the Education Act, and the related Regulations.
Where a learner makes him/herself guilty of:
1. Languages or conduct of such a nature as to endanger the maintenance of a proper standard of moral conduct, discipline of social well-being in such school
2. A reprehensible act.
3. Refuses to attend activities or to participate in activities.
4, Neglect of duty, disobedience, recalcitrance, wilful damage to property, theft, dishonesty, lying, assault, bullying, indecency, truancy or any other misconduct of a serious nature.
The learner concerned may be punished according to the seriousness of the offence, whereby suspension or expulsion is included.
2. I undertake to study the conditions for admission carefully and to abide by them.
3. I hereby authorize the Principal or his designees to act on my behalf at his own discretion (in loco parents) in rgent cases, e.g. accidents, epidemics, sudden illness or immunization by a medical officer in the event of the outbreak of a contagious disease.
4. I undertake to return all books and equipment, issued on loan to the above-mentioned learner to the Principal when requested to do so, and to compensate for any items that cannot be returned in a fair condition.
5. If you have been handed over to the DEBT COLLECfORS, Snyman & Vennote, you are responsible for the 25% recovery/levy (commissions).